
Addiction Treatment

Psychiatry & Mental Health located in Westwood, NJ

Addiction Treatment services offered in Westwood, NJ

Addiction is a chronic disorder that can have serious consequences when left untreated. At Westwood Psychiatry Associates in Westwood, New Jersey, the team specializes in addiction treatment, combining medication to control cravings with therapy to give you the best chance for recovery. To find out more about addiction treatment at Westwood Psychiatry Associates, call the office or schedule an appointment online today. Telemedicine appointments are available.

Addiction Treatment Q & A

What is an addiction?

An addiction is a chronic health condition that can cause compulsive unhealthy behaviors despite the potential consequences (including financial, social, and physical consequences) they may cause.

There are many types of addictions, including:

  • Opioid addiction
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Sex addiction
  • Gambling addiction
  • Food addiction

Substances like alcohol and certain drugs trigger the brain’s reward system, causing a craving for the substance. The craving is strong and nearly impossible to ignore, leading to continued use of the substance. 

Over time, the substance changes the structure and function of the brain function, causing compulsive behaviors. These functional changes in the brain remain even after you stop using, which is why relapse is so common. 

The team at Westwood Psychiatry Associates understands how an addiction affects the structure and function of the brain and the long-term effects. They offer comprehensive addiction treatment that helps you recover and maintain sobriety.

What is addiction treatment?

Addiction treatment at Westwood Psychiatry Associates is comprehensive and customized to your addiction. For opioid and alcohol addiction, the team offers medication-assisted treatment (MAT), combining medication to control drug cravings with counseling and behavioral therapies. 

MAT is a holistic approach to addiction, managing the physical, emotional, and social aspects of the disease. The goal of MAT is to help you fully recover from your addiction.The team provides Suboxone® for opioid use disorder and Vivitrol® for alcohol use disorder. 

Research shows that MAT reduces risk of relapse, improves survival, and increases the likelihood you’ll remain in treatment. 

Who needs addiction treatment?

Anyone struggling with an addiction who’s ready to get help benefits from addiction treatment at Westwood Psychiatry Associates. Before making any specific recommendations, the team conducts a thorough evaluation to assess the severity of your addiction and readiness for change.

They also evaluate your cognitive (how you think) and mental well-being. It’s not uncommon for people struggling with an addiction to have a co-occuring mental health condition like depression or anxiety. 

The team treats any underlying mental health conditions along with your addiction.

What happens during addiction treatment?

The details of your addiction treatment at Westwood Psychiatry Associates depend on the type of addiction you have, the severity of your addiction and symptoms, and your support system. Your plan may include:

  • Medication to control cravings
  • Psychiatric medication to treat co-occurring conditions
  • Psychotherapy
  • Group therapy

Addiction is a disease, not a lifestyle. The first step toward recovery is recognizing that you need help. For compassionate and patient-centered care, call Westwood Psychiatry Associates or schedule an addiction treatment consultation online today.